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We conduct Fire Risk Assessments around East Anglia, and will carry out systematic and methodical risk assessment for your property. If you are just moving into your premises, or have had substantial renovation work on the property, a Fire Risk Assessment is a legal obligation. However, this needn’t be an intimidating or expensive process,  we will work with you so you have the information you need at the best price.
Please contact us for a no obligation quote.  

Need a quote?


To find out how much you could save, use the form to contact us.

Fire risk assessments will vary in price, depending mainly on the size and use of the building. Get in touch for a quotation.

Call (01223) 666999 or Email us at Enquiries@cambsfiresafety.co.uk

This will depend on the size and complexity of the building

There is no set guideline. It should be renewed regularly or if you make any significant changes to the building, processes or hazards present.